Who Are We?
We have the largest hair replacement stock in Turkey. With our over 20 substructure models for men and women and over 10.000 units of stock, we are providing service to you, our dear customers, since 1998. All of our products are produced from %100 natural hair. S-Well Hair, which is a hair replacement wholesaler in Turkey, also has the title of distributor to brands Walker Tape and True Tape. We whole sale export hair-replacement units to the countries to the North and North-East of Turkey. Apart from whole sale hair replacement, we are sector leader in net and skin topper, medical wig, natural hair, weld hair and fiber synthetic wig sectors.
Why S-Well?
Because you will not experience stock problems with us. Because, you order the hair replacement with measurements, lengths, colors and substructures of your choice and create special orders. Because S-Well relies on its products. Because S-Well produces its own products in its factory in Asia to meet the demands of hair replacement whole sales. Because, as S-Well produces its own products, it can fix hair replacement whole sale prices on a reasonable level and guarantees its products. Because S-Well, with its power supply chain and stock power, has the title of distributor of FDA approved, USA originated, Walker Tape and True Tape brands which supplies wholesale of hair replacement tapes, wholesale of hair replacement removal sprays, whole sale of hair replacement products. Because, if you own a business, S-Well can provide you any product from A to Z without depending on any other firm. Because S-Well helps any entrepreneur that wants to join in the sector.
ResultWe know that for the sector to improve and move forward, it must reach out to more people. To achieve this, we arrange trainings and give seminars. Contact us if you are new to the sector or if you seek to enter the sector and want answers for your questions. Let us inform you, draw you a road map and help you overcome the problems you might encounter. Furthermore, these are all free of charge. Stand out of your competitors and be one step ahead. Be the first to achieve the potential of your region. You are always welcome at the S-Well Hair branches.S-Well Hair do wholesale hair toupee